CTP - Sustain-T


Portugal Tourism Confederation (CTP) is the umbrella organisation for tourism business associations, having acquired legal personality in 1995, bringing together all business associations in tourism. The CTP mission is to:

i. Ensure the cohesion and internal unity of the economic agents of Tourism and strive for the development of the economic activity of Tourism;
ii. Ensure strategic control of the Confederation by the Business Associations affiliated to it;
iii. Contribute to the definition of tourism policy;
iv. Help the solution of global and cross-sectoral issues, always acting with a supportive attitude towards the initiatives of its members;
v. Contribute to the best scientific knowledge of tourism as a way of preparing and implementing policy measures;
vi. Develop a flexible, credible, efficient and active organisation. Its objectives include the promotion of studies and debates on topics of interest to the tourism industry, as well as the diagnosis and monitoring of the problems that affect it, with the intention of contributing to the definition of a common strategy that establishes the priorities and propose appropriate measures for its continuation.

The Portuguese Tourism Confederation (CTP) is national in scope and covers federations, unions and associations of the Tourism business sector, and it may also be affiliated with companies that, due to the diversity and heterogeneity of their activities, are not directly involved in any association or sector.

CTP has been established as a Social Partner in the Social Consultation Standing Committee (CPCS) since May 2003. Since September 2015 it is an intermediate body for the Operational Program (OP) Portugal 2020 in the scope of Competitiveness and Internationalization. CTP participates annually at the International Labour Conference, within the framework of the ILO, in Geneva. We also participate in the European regional meeting of the ILO (every 4 years);
CTP is member on three Committees under the aegis of the EC:

- Committee on Free Movement of Workers;
- Committee for Coordination of Social Security Systems;
- European Social Fund Committee;

CTP is a member in the EESC - European Economic and Social Council.

As associated partner in the BACCHUS SME project (2016-1-FR01-KA202-023903), CTP is responsible for developing the BACCHUS SME Platform (Diagnose Tool, b-learning Training Course), an innovative management instrument that will integrate the organisational diagnosis tool, curricula and training programmes specially designed for the wine tourism entrepreneur/promoter/staff which really address topics for efficient management of SME enterprises and will facilitate the development of organisational improvement plans addressed for the characteristic and specificity of wine tourism sector.


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